Participating Libraries Info

In the following page is a list of public libraries from the United States and around the world of which some of the titles were acquired and scanned. Select titles were borrowed from private collections or were purchased exclusively for usage in this library as well. All titles are in public domain unless otherwise noted.  Some titles were acquired through special arrangements with publishers, and, or author(s) also. Copies of repeat printings or subsequent minor editions that were not revised or of which had additional updated information such as additional chapters were not included in this library either. Revised editions included in our collection are identified by stated labeling (Second, Third, Fourth, Paperback, Revised, Anniversary, Special, Illustrated, and, or British and American Editions, as well as French, Spanish, Italian, German Versions, etc.) when needed. It should be noted also that due to the fact that these titles were acquired from public libraries or used bookstores (online or otherwise) imperfections will occasionally exist, though copies selected were the best available at the moment. However, replacement of damaged editions will occur when better copies are located (or purchased) at a later date and processed for distribution from the Nancy Hanks Lincoln Public Library. All titles included in this library were checked personally for missing pages and unless specifically noted, all copies are fully intact with no missing pages and is an exact duplicate of the printed original despite being a digitized copy. That said, oversized (fold out) pages of maps, drawings, sketches, charts, etc. that were unable to be scanned successfully (due to technical impossibilities) will not be included with the available copies presently available. Nevertheless, if (fold out) pages are missing because of the previously stated issue, it will be noted per each edition when applicable. Select titles may have also been spliced together from duplicate versions of the same edition when necessary as well (to create a complete copy) due to severely damaged pages in some scanned copies. All titles have been resized and compressed as well to fit into a readable PDF edition designed exclusively for this library. Digital restoration was also done occasionally (to remove distracting imperfections such as crayon marks and magic marker highlights) to enhance the viewing quality of selected titles when needed. However, that said, no text or images was changed or added to any titles in this library. All books featured in this library are as published originally and includes publisher(s) mistakes as well as errors by stated writer(s) or credited editor(s) of individual editions in order to retain their historical accuracy.